11 Thing’s that Won’t Happen in Toddler Lives

So you can find many blogs and articles written about toddlers.  I wanted to talk about 11 things that WON’T happen in toddler lives. Listening Being Quiet Staying Clean Sleeping Following Directions No Meltdowns Using their Toys as Intended Wearing Matching Clothing Coloring Only on Paper Eating Everything you Serve them Stay out of Trouble Read More

Holiday and Seasonal Traditions for Kids

What are some holiday and seasonal traditions for kids?  This was a hot topic of conversation for many of my mom friends when we had kids.  I asked my mom friends from all over what are some of the holiday traditions they have in their family for their kids.  I wanted to share their responses Read More

Self Care for a Busy Mom

Self care for a busy mom?  Self care with a toddler?  What are you smoking … this is what I would think.  When I first had munchkin I wanted to be the best mom I could be to her.  She was going to be our only baby so I felt I only had one chance Read More

Newborn Life Part 2

Newborn life was quiet with Ashlyn, which really surprised me.  I had heard about quiet babies but did not expect to have one.  Ashlyn never really fussed a lot and we got lucky, she only ever spit up like twice.  We are not into any form of cry it out, so she never really had Read More